Help Stop Woodside's Destruction
Right now, off the coast of Western Australia, Woodside has begun drilling the first wells of its Burrup Hub gas project—an environmental catastrophe that threatens our oceans, marine life and climate.
But there’s still time to stop it. Greenpeace, powered by half a million supporters accross Australia, has confronted fossil fuel giant Woodside at sea, outside its office, inside its AGM and from a crane 140 meters above the ground.
We’ll continue to confront Woodside at every step as it tries to push forward. But we can’t do it alone.
Donate today to help protect our oceans.
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Your generous tax deductible gift helps fund our campaigns for a better and greener future.
In making a donation to Greenpeace Australia Pacific, you will be providing us with your personal information. We may use your information to enable us to process your donation, communicate with you about your donation and inform you about our campaigns. Your information is safe and secure with us – for more information please see our Donor Collection Notice and Privacy Policy.
Your donation can shine a spotlight on Woodside's disastrous plans
Hidden off the coast of Western Australia, fossil fuel giant Woodside wants to develop the Burrup Hub, a toxic nightmare that will endanger reef systems and devastate ocean habitats until 2070.

Can help us confront Woodside at sea to bear witness to environmental destruction and take action.
Can help support Greenpeace legal teams taking the fight to stop Woodside through the legal system and in court.

Can help Greenpeace campaigners to expose the impact of deep sea drilling on marine life.
Your gift will ensure we have a stable base of funds to fight daily for a clean and safe future for our planet and all who call it home.
Woodside’s Burrup Hub is Australia’s dirtiest proposed gas drilling project
With two monstrous new offshore gas fields, hundreds of kilometres of pipelines and the expansion of two onshore plants to process Woodside’s gas for export. The Burrup Hub, if approved, will create a climate bomb, emitting over 6.1 billion tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere.
The Burrup Hub will cause extraordinary damage to natural ecosystems
Deep sea drilling, seismic blasting and the building of billions of dollars worth of destructive mining rigs will harm countless marine life, such as dolphins, sea turtles, whales and fish. Woodside's project will harm precious marine life, damage important reef systems and destroy Australia’s commitment to reaching our climate targets.

It’s Woodside against the world
Woodside’s proposed Burrup Hub is Australia’s dirtiest gas drilling project, with two monstrous new offshore gas fields, hundreds of kilometres of pipelines and the expansion of two onshore plants to process Woodside’s gas for export.
The Burrup Hub, if successful, will create a climate bomb, casting over 6.1 billion tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere.

Fight for her future
It will cause extraordinary damage to natural ecosystems throughout Western Australian waters - and our climate. Deep sea drilling, seismic blasting and the building of billions of dollars worth of destructive mining rigs will lead to the death of countless animals, such as dolphins, marine turtles, whales and fish. In addition to the immediate loss of habitat, the impact on the climate will be felt for generations to come.
This is truly a project that will injure precious animals, harm important reef systems and destroy Australia’s commitment to reaching our climate targets.

Our victories against Woodside

Put Woodside on the spot at their AGM
Greenpeace supporters and other members of the public protested in front of the Woodside annual general meeting, calling for the fossil fuel giant to ditch its gas drilling plans.

Pushed Woodside to clean up its trash
Woodside left a toxic oil tower rotting in the ocean near Ningaloo Reef for over five years. Greenpeace activists found and scaled this oil rig, and sent Woodside a clear message - and six months later, Woodside finally removed it from the sea.

Held off seismic blasting for over a year
Greenpeace worked long and hard to subject Woodside’s seismic blasting plans to legal and environmental scrutiny, which has meant their dangerous seismic blasting was prolonged for over a year.
We have the tools to stop them. With your power behind us, we will. Please donate now.
Greenpeace is 100% funded by generous individuals like you
We do not accept donations from corporations, governments or political parties. This ensures that we can fight solely for the benefit of the environment without being held to the interests of any group with vested interests that might try to influence us or threaten to withdraw funding. This is what makes Greenpeace incorruptible and a true fighting force in the pursuit of a more green and peaceful world.